The HAI Lecture Series

Elderly man wearing headphones while using a laptop

Learn From Our Lectures

The following are a series of lectures provided by our Marcus faculty scientists on different aspects of healthy aging. We will continue to host this lecture series at all Hebrew SeniorLife housing sites, and the recordings can be found here. 

Our study team includes many scientists from the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research. Many have contributed their time and expertise to making HAI what it is today. We are grateful for them and their contributions. 

Optimize Your Brain Health - Get a check up!

Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD provides a lecture on brain health and healthy aging at Jack Satter House.

Reducing Cardiovascular Risk: Hypertension, Cholesterol, and Diabetes

Lew Lipsitz, MD, Director of the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging talks about the importance of cardiovascular health and reducing your risk through lifestyle change. This was originally presented at the Center Communities in Brookline.


Nutrition for Emotional Well-Being

Courtney Millar, PhD gives a lecture on how your nutrition impacts your emotional well-being and how we can improve both. Dr. Millar presented this talk to the residents of Orchard Cove and New Bridge on the Charles.

Reducing Your Risk of Falling

Brad Manor, PhD, Director of the Mobility and Falls Center at the Marcus Institute talks about how your brain is critical for your mobility and ways you can boost both your brain health and your mobility through lifestyle changes. Dr. Manor presented this talk to the residents at New Bridge on the Charles.

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