Our Blog
The Importance of Social Connection for Our Overall Health and Well-Being
We are wired for social connection, but over time have become more socially isolated. Social connection improves health and well-being and is vital to community health and success.
Balancing Act: Essential Fall Prevention Tips for Older Adults
Fall prevention is key for maintaining independence as you age. Falls are the leading cause of injury in adults 65 and older. Every year, over 1 in 4 adults over 65 will fall. A fall can lead to broken bones, long-term health issues, or, in severe cases, can be life-threatening. As scary as falls are, they shouldn’t stop you from living an active life. Luckily, simple lifestyle changes can greatly reduce the risk of falling.
How the Healthy Aging Initiative Can Empower You to Change Your Health Trajectory
Hebrew SeniorLife’s Harvard Medical School-affiliated Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research has responded to the Decade of Healthy Ageing with the Healthy Aging Initiative. The Healthy Aging Initiative is a longitudinal study leveraging the expertise of every scientist and research center at the Marcus Institute to empower older adults to stay healthier for longer.
The Power of Learning New Skills
Many of us are curious to learn more about keeping our brain sharp while aging. It turns out that learning itself is a useful tool for our minds! The advantage of learning is that it is accessible to all age groups and education levels, whether you just graduated from kindergarten or earned your PhD. With so many different hobbies and interests to try out, there is plenty to discover.
Tuning into Healthy Aging: The Impact of Music
Music is more accessible now than it ever has been; we can hear any song by just pressing a few buttons. It is something that is all around us: in stores, in the background of advertisements, in our cars, and sometimes even in the alarm that wakes us up. Many of us do not notice how prevalent music is in our lives yet it is powerful enough to move our emotions and remind us of fond memories. If music is impressive enough to have such a strong presence in our lives, could it help how we age?
One Year of Healthy Aging
The Healthy Aging Initiative is celebrating one year since launching at our first housing site. Since launching, the study has continued to evolve and improve. We are looking forward to our next year of assessments at all Hebrew SeniorLife locations and in the broader community!